Energy Analysis and Computer Modeling:
In the past thirty years (30), EBA engineers have successfully conducted numerous projects utilizing its Doe-2/eQUEST energy simulation program and customized database modeling software designed for
program evaluation expertise. Typically, the simulations, entailed on-site energy audits (in particular program evaluations) and/or input data from the sites architectural, mechanical and electrical
plans. The tasks were performed for various commercial, industrial, institutional and residential sites to evaluate different energy efficient technologies in lighting, HVAC, direct/distributed
digital controls, refrigeration, motors and building envelope. EBA has completed hundredth of feasibility projects that include development of the recommended measures incremental cost, life cost
analysis and input of the utility rate structures with seasonally energy (kWh and kBtu) and demand (kW) charges. Has also completed many projects that required the development of load profiles and
bench marking of the simulation results with the end-use monitored data and/or the utility history of demand and energy usage.
On-Site Energy Audit:
EBA team has completed in the past several hundreds of energy audit to evaluate various new construction energy efficiency incentive programs of the major California electric utility companies like
PG&E, SMUD, SCE and SDG&E. The majority of EBA projects for on-site survey utilized the collected onsite data to generate a computer model that is utilized to evaluate various energy
conservation technologies. The energy onsite audits EBA completed are done for various commercial, industrial, residential and institutional buildings. The sites include high-rise office, complex
laboratory buildings of bio-tech company's, high rise hotels and casinos, refrigerated warehouse and groceries, large retails, large storages, central plants, universities and colleges, religious
worships, large shopping malls, convention centers, commercial industrial sites as well as manufacturing sites. Responsible in developing the computer model. Company has also conducted special
projects in exterior lighting studies sponsored by the California Energy Commission to evaluate lighting foot candle levels, types, tress passing, glare and other parameters.
Design Assistance and Facilities HVAC Design:
Conducted design assistance for various commercial buildings funded by major California utilities and California School districts communicating closely with mechanical and architectural firms. Among
the task performed includes the analysis of packaged system verses built-up systems performance, partial thermal storage verses full thermal storage selection and sizing, evaluation and sizing of
various types of chillers including VSD and absorption chillers. EBA staff has won third, fourth and fifth place awards in three different projects of mechanical design done for commercial buildings
that involve load calculation, system design and distributed digital control (DDC) for the UCSD HVAC design course project among an average of 50 participating teams for each project. EBA staff has
attended an in-depth summer course on DDC controls design.
End-use Monitoring and Commissioning:
Conducted retro commissioning and/or end use monitoring to evaluate the performance of HVAC systems, cool roof, lay-in insulation, outdoor lighting systems for various commercial buildings for
different projects managed by the CEC, NBI and SDG&E. Analyzed various energy efficient technologies applicable for building energy systems and constructions. The technologies analyzed include
geo-source heat pumps, day lighting controls, cool roofs, cogeneration plant, thermal storages, variable speed chillers, engine driven chillers and direct digital controls for building energy
management systems. He has performed the site survey, computer simulation and end-use monitoring of a Geo-Source heat pump project for SMUD contracting with other consulting company.
Schools Alternative Energy Funding Program:
In 2008 EBA has compelted two design assistance / energy analysis projects for two (2) Colorado High schools with heated competition standard indoor pool (Natatorium) applying for LEED certification.
EBA has also completed in the past over 150 energy and economic analysis projects for the Alternative Energy Funding Program of School Buildings funded by the Office of Public School Construction
(OPSC). During these projects, EBA staff has worked with the building architects, mechanical and electrical designers to determine the appropriate ECM's applicable for funding. The DOE-2 energy
simulation program was employed to perform the energy analysis. EBA has also been involved in the evaluation of energy projects applying for the Alternative Energy Funding Program of the OPSC for the
several years. EBA is currently registered as an energy consultant with a California School District to provide services on call.
Power/Distributed Generation:
EBA Principal has performed the pre-feasibility study of a Combined Cycle Cogeneration Plant for the Medical Center of the University of California at Davis using the Doe-2 program. The study
addressed the future expansion of the medical center up to the year 2020.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis:
EBA Principal has performed and published Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis reasearch for complex thermal fluid projects working as a research associate and assitant for acadamic
institutions. CFD analysis is employed for energy efficient operation/performance of HVAC systems and buildings designs to further exceed the required sustainable energy features enhancing occupant
comfort and meeting required out door air quality effectively. In addition, CFD analysis can get utilized to analyze smoke, noise, and sound propagation, it also can be used to reveal pressure and
temperature contours/distribution as well as flow pattern/velocity vector even for 3D and transient applications.